
I am a Canadian artist/writer living in Amsterdam. I like to describe myself as a bookish artist, exuberant baker, usability snob, discerning gourmandise, and occasional freelance dragon seeker. I'm also Mummy to two small people.

In 2003, I graduated with a Bachelor of Mathematics (with Distinction) in Honours Computer Science (Co-op) from the University of Waterloo. My husband Damian and I lived in Montreal until we moved to Amsterdam in January 2010. My past job titles have included: user interface designer, web developer, web designer, and freelance technical writer/editor.

I now draw, paint, photograph, sew, knit, crochet, and write. I also like food, bicycles, travel, and thrifting. On this blog, I write about all these activities, with a focus on the creative pursuits.

I also write for The S.W.A.P. Team blog on topics relating to thrifting and eco-conscious fashion.

You can contact me at allison[at]gryski[dot]com.