24 October 2008

Cube Unit 540: The Harsh Light of Fluorescents

(Part 1 in a series)

Cube Unit 540 (before)
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

One of the downsides of my otherwise pretty cool job is the Dreaded Cubicle. Like most Mega Corps, there is the typical sea of grey and beige cubes. My Cube Unit, Number 540, has two kinds of dull yellow fabric walls, a dark grey metal shelf, and a light grey metal cupboard. Everything I look at is grey, black, or puce and lit by fluorescent lighting. Not exactly the most inspiring surroundings.

Cube Unit 540 (before)
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

If I was coming from another office I probably wouldn't even notice. But the comparison is harsh after my lovely sunny home office with its wooden desk, exposed brick wall and lots of art. And even more so after my soothing pale green studio with funky blue arborite table, door leading onto a balcony, and inspiring bits and pieces.

Cube Unit 540 (before)
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

So I devised a Plan. To redecorate this blahest of blah Cube Units. My goal was to make my workspace soothing and pretty, but still professional and neat looking.

How will I do it? It's a daunting task alright. I'll leave you in suspense until I post the next installment in the series.


Blaise said... Best Blogger Tips

cubes == yawnerific. Spice it up! Some plant life would be good too. I always like having something to tend to that actually cares if i'm there or not... god knows they didn't at work ;)