15 January 2009

Books of all kinds

stacks of books
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

Just to clarify yesterday's post ... I don't at all mean that I aimed to read only serious, classic books. Bo-ring! I just wanted to venture a little outside my usual territory (mostly fantasy, a lot of it YA). Part of it was also just trying some new authors to find new favourites. If you take a look at what I read, you'll see plenty of the usual mixed in with the new things I tried. You may note lots of Georgette Heyer, one of my favourite authors as I find her books totally escapist and fun (not to mention small and easily carried about).

There seems to be a consensus that 1984 is depressing and hard to read... that's what I found too, I got part way through it and then abandoned it on the coffee table. But because I want to understand all the pop culture references, and since it isn't a very big book, I mean to get through it at some point this year. But in between the (hopefully few) "chore" books, I plan to read and re-read lots of purely enjoyable books. And that's where the "what are you reading?" and "any suggestions" questions were aimed!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love to recommend books! Some favourites of mine: The Princess Bride by William Goldman (forget everything you remember from the movie - the book is a thousand times more interesting, clever and funny), Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (sci-fi, really enjoyable - I don't generally go for sci fi and it's one of my all time favourites), The Red Tent by Anita Diamant (sort of historical fiction about the four wives of Jacob one of the Patriarchs of Judaism), The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (told from the perspective of an autistic teenager, really witty), The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel (a historical fiction set in prehistoric times with the dawn of modern man - Auel is renowned for her expertise in history, anthropology and archeology when writing her books, this is the first in a series of 5 or 6 and they are all fascinating) and I recently read The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent and it was a very interesting read about the Salem Witch trials. I am currently living right close to Salem, MA so it was interesting to read about the dark history of this area. Hope this is helpful! Good luck and happy reading!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I have some other recommended books that I think are classics and nowadays, overlooked: 'The Horse's Mouth' (Joyce Cary), and the rest of that trilogy.

It is quite entertaining and also insightful of the times. The main character in each of the books changes but the same story is told. I still have my copy from that first year English class.

It was 10 years before I found out that Cary wrote the other two!

I am totally loving all these recommends appearing in your blog. Shannon and Blaise have posted some good ones that I'd like to try out.

superfink said... Best Blogger Tips

Give 1984 another chance with a different attitude. Although it can be described as "depressing," Orwell's understanding of how the "machine" works are still mind-boggling. It is a timeless book that has a lot to offer. I found the world dark but engaging, and the details rich and vivid. If you want more "digestible" Orwell, read his AMAZING essays, namely "Politics and the English language." So interesting.