03 May 2010

A visit to Keukenhof gardens

Tulips and Blossom trees

My parents visited us in Amsterdam at the start of April and we went out to the famous Keukenhof gardens to look at the flowers. The spring has been a bit late this year, so the tulips were not all out, but there were blossom trees and hyacinths and some tulips.

Tulips in the greenhouse

In the greenhouses, there was a massive and stunning collection of different tulip varieties.

Tulips in the greenhouse

It's a bit of trip out to the gardens since you need to take a bus to the airport and then catch a special shuttle bus to the gardens. From Amsterdam, it will take you about an hour to get there.


However, it's really worth doing at least once since tulips are such a symbol of the Dutch culture. There's even a windmill at the gardens, though it's no longer functional.

Windmill at Keukenhof

I highly recommend visiting during the week. We went on a Tuesday, and while there were lots of people, it was not unpleasantly busy. All the rest of my pictures from the gardens are here. It's probably one of my most colourful sets of pictures ever.

Tulips and Daffodils

I was a bit pokey about uploading all the pictures because my parents' visit was unexpectedly extended due to the volcano eruption in Iceland. We tried to take full advantage of the extra few days and it was nice to have a chance to do the things we hadn't had time to do before. We went to the farmer's market, some thrift shops and a flea market, and cooked some delicious meals at home. We even had a little trip to IKEA since we needed extra bedding and towels.

Photographs by Allison Gryski. © All rights reserved.