25 October 2008

Cube Unit 540: The Redecoration Plan

(Part 2 in a series)

Cube MoodBoard
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

I love seeing "mood boards" on the design blogs I read occasionally (Making it Lovely, Decor8, sfgirlbybay, etc). I've made one only once before based on some stationery. It's cool how some random pretty item can be used as inspiration, but I wasn't trying to create a specific room for a known space that time.

I thought about somehow covering the ugly puce-yellow-beige fabric walls with something more attractive. But this would be tricky, require quite a lot of fabric, and perhaps not look very professional. So I decided instead to make it work for me.

With a zen sort of theme, I would end up seeing the dull yellow colour more like a grasscloth or bamboo. Adding some plants would add colour and life while still being "neutral" office items. Some containers for messy desk stuff would make my desk prettier AND more efficient. To make it a happy place to sit, nicer lighting and some pictures were the final elements to add.

Obviously, I can't actually get rid of the flurorescent lights, but the ones directly above my desk are off, and I can add a pretty little table lamp to give it a better mood.

Next up, shopping and actually trying to achieve the desired effect ...

Cube Layout Plan
Originally uploaded by allisongryski


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome plans. I need just this type of redecorating except I have a shared office. Maybe if I e-mail a picture you can provide some input.... but plants are out for me. Yeah, ironic huh? I forget to water them.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I tend to have 2 or three goose-necked halogen lamps at my desk. It means that I have to worry about shadows if I'm working with paper., but that's incentive not to work with paper. =)