01 December 2008

Pink Applesauce

pink applesauce
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

Peel 10 red apples (I used Empire apples since they're grown in Quebec, but you should choose whatever kind you like that's grown near you).

Put all the peels in a small pot and just barely cover with water. Add 3-4 whole star anise, 3-4 cloves, some nutmeg, and some cinnamon (probably about 1/4-1/2 tsp each, but I didn't measure). A cinnamon stick would probably be better if you have one. Add some candied citrus peel (I used probably about 1/4 c). I stopped there, but you can add any other spices you think would go nicely with these sorts of flavours (e.g. allspice, mace, lemon zest). You're basically making an apple broth in this pot, so bring it up to the boil, then turn down and simmer (uncovered, so it reduces). After about 15 minutes, the broth should be a deep red colour and the peels should be sort of faded looking.

Meanwhile, back to the apples. Roughly chop them off the cores. Don't worry about having some big pieces and some small, just do whatever's easiest and fastest for you. Toss these all in a large pot and put a bit of water in the bottom. Don't fill it enough to cover the apples or you'll have to spend forever boiling it down to reduce. Grate in some fresh ginger (about 1/2 - 1 tsp worth). Cover this pot and bring it up to the boil, then simmer. After about 10-15 minutes your apples should be nice and soft. Mash them with a potato masher and pour in the apple broth (strained through a sieve to catch all the peels and whole spices). Mix this all up, then return to boiling and reduce until it's a consistency you like. It will get slightly thicker as it cools.

This makes a delicious snack on its own (cold or re-heated), but also a yummy topping on ice cream, pancakes, mixed into porridge, and so forth.


Barbara Prime said... Best Blogger Tips

I got myself a food mill this fall so I could make applesauce without having to bother with peeling etc. I've never tried putting spices in it though - not sure why :)

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

I actually have a food mill too, but I didn't want to lose all the yumminess and nutrients in the peels.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So, if you cook the chopped apples up (unpeeled but cored), why would you lose the yumminess of the peels? I mean, you could food mill it, right? Assuming the sieve in the mill was fine enough...

Just wondering. The colour was (is) awesome. I just had Empire apples for the first time this fall and they were ephemeral, both in the grocery store and the kitchen!


Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

The peels end up getting cooked almost twice as long as the rest of the apple with this method. I hadn't noticed so much colour come out of them when you cook the apple with the peel on, so it seems to make some difference.