28 July 2009

Better late than never

Fira Box
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

I just realised that I posted this picture on my flickr stream, but never mentioned it here. Back when I was still a cube dweller, I bought an IKEA "fira" mini chest of drawers. I never got around to putting it together for my cube, but ended up doing so while cleaning out the cupboard in my studio. I decoupaged on some paper found when I was paring down on the wrapping supplies and filled it with assorted art supplies that I wanted easily accessible.

While these little drawers are super useful, and a perennial favourite amongst IKEA hackers, they were a huge pain to put together. The nails would not hammer into the material well and in my inexpert hammering, I kept bending them. Despite 5 extra nails in the package, I still had to resort to using some of my own. I must admit to calling it a Beastly Box a few times and taking breaks hoping it would be easier each time I came back to it. Now, of course, I'm pleased with the cute result, but I don't think I'd buy another one.

And for those not counting (I wasn't), this appears to be my 100th post. I'm thinking this is only significant because we happen to have a base 10 counting system, but I noticed it when looking at the list of posts to find the cube one and thought I'd mention it. Maybe I'll do some sort of list of 101 things for the next post. 101 cakes? 101 things I find inspiring? 101 links? 101 drawings? Well, we'll just have to wait and see. Yes, me too, I'm typing this as I think about it, so no clear ideas or promises yet.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this box and the paper covering.

I'd sure like to try decoupage with my Japanese decorative paper but I need to practise. Is it hard to get it smooth?

Your 101-list sounds wonderfully ambitious and I am glad I had a chance to comment on your 100th post!

---Paphos_sk (not signing in while at work!)

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

It's not that hard ... I just used white glue thinned with a bit of water and applied to the box with a paintbrush. Then I put the paper on, smoothed it out, and let it dry. Afterwards, I trimmed the edges with an exacto knife. The paper was quite thin and tissue-y, which might make it different to work with than chiogami, but you'll never know til you experiment a bit.