24 August 2011

The State of the Stripes

Spring Cloud Aug24

While there have been sneaky peeks, I haven't yet posted a proper progress picture of the Spring Cloud Blanket. So here it is in its current state.

You can see from the top right corner that I've done a bit of weaving in ends, but it's always much more fun to add new stripes than to weave in ends. I'm trying to do some of it as I go though, so I'm not stuck with a massive job at the end! I'm still not sure that I like the bright pink (Fondant) so much, but I suspect the Wee Lass will be glad it's there despite our plans not to inundate her with pink.

Photographs and artwork by Allison Gryski. © All rights reserved.


Sarah A. said... Best Blogger Tips

I keep forgetting to answer your question about this. Amanda told me ages ago. But here's a video that describes some good crochet tricks such as working in the ends as you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44ahp_jwvAw

I find it gives an infinitely better result than trying to work them in after the fact. It is kind of late for this project, but still useful to know.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Loving the colours in your Granny Stripe Blanket!

Often I'll work over the ends as I'm approaching the end of each row.