30 May 2009

Shadows and light

shadows and light
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

In thinking about the word "shadow", I was really fascinated with things we don't usually think about as "shadowy"... like glass and water. I did some sketches of the light and shadow patterns coming through a drinking glass and then took some photos. I shifted some of the hue of the photos, but didn't otherwise alter them and because I removed the context of the glass, they came out looking like strange xrays. To be honest, I didn't spend as much time working these ideas out to a final end as I should have, and I think of these pieces as more of the exploratory part the process rather than a finished product.

shadows and light
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

In the past couple months, I did have several picnics with friends and some visits with family, not to mention reading several books, so I can't say as I really feel that I wasted the time. However, I've been struggling of late with finding enough creative energy in balance with my job. I'm sure it's something that everyone who's trying to be an artist "in their spare time" struggles with. And so I came to the realisation that NOW was the time to pursue my dream of being an artist and writer. I don't want to put it off until I am older, just because I have a Good Job™. So I've quit my job, to follow this dream. This is one of those decisions that takes a lot of time and thought (and a very supportive husband, family, and friends), but once it's made it feels so Right, that it almost seems like it should have been easy. It wasn't. It still isn't. I have doubts and fears, and having been reading a fabulously topical book(*), I see that they are utterly typical and so I'm trying hard to work on them and around them and through them. And the doubts are complemented by this beautiful feeling that I've been describing as a "happy bubble of excitement". Wish me luck on this journey ... it starts in just a week now!

*Make Your Creative Dreams Real: A Plan for Procrastinators, Perfectionists, Busy People, and People Who Would Really Rather Sleep All Day by SARK


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So, umm, like why doesn't your employer give you the holidays you've banked (earned) and now need. Who wants an employrt to stay around after giving in their notice anyway?

Just wondering....

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

Usually the notice period is used to tie up loose ends, make sure all your projects are passed off to others with all the relevant info, and just generally not leave them in the lurch. They have to pay for the holiday time accrued, so it's not like it's "lost".

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations! And major kudos for having the courage to follow your dream.

Oh, and I *adore* your new banner graphic!

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks Jan!

scjody said... Best Blogger Tips

Good luck, Allison!