02 November 2010

After all this time ... my Quilt

my finished quilt

I realised that I never provided any nice "finished" pictures of my quilt. It was finished last Christmas in the midst of the uproar of moving overseas. Our flat in Amsterdam doesn't have a laundry line, which was always my favourite place to take full-size pictures of quilts, so the folded and on-the-bed versions will have to do.


It's been in regular usage and I love it so much, that, well, as predicted, it's just not going to end up on the ground in the park for picnics. Also, a double-bed size quilt seems too bulky for carrying to picnics. Maybe my next quilt will be smaller and destined for picnics. But first I must find myself a sewing machine over here! I miss it so much for little fixes to grandiose new project ideas.


clapham said... Best Blogger Tips

It is beautiful!
I am about to attempt my first quilt - the same design as yours but using fabric from my daughter’s childhood dresses.
May I ask what size were your patchwork squares? And what are the dimensions of your finished quilt please? Was the double size very difficult to manage?
Again, congratulations it is gorgeous!

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

I think they were 4.5" squares including seam allowance, so 4" finished. It was quite a feat to quilt. I remember having to roll it like a carpet to fit through my machine. Have fun!