01 November 2010

More Blogging Adventures

I have been rather sadly neglecting this blog of mine just lately. This Summer, it was travelling and first trimester exhaustion, then in the Autumn it's been more travelling and a series of long-lasting colds. However, I have one little blogging surprise up my sleeve. I will be joining a number of other writers in contributing to The S.W.A.P. Team blog!

SWAP Team Blog Screenshot

The S.W.A.P. Team is a Montreal-based non-profit that organizes clothing swaps in partnership with local charities, such as The Salvation Army. It's 100% volunteer-run, and all the un-swapped clothes go to the charity partner. So far, they've contributed over 21,000 clothing items to charity, and of course, sent many happy swappers home with new-to-them clothes. (One of my favourite clothing swap scores is shown below.) They have chapters around the world now (want to get involved?) and I'm so excited to be able to contribute to such a fantastic organization.

Fairyesque skirt suit with brooch

My blog posts over there will focus on themes like vintage and thrifty fashion and sustainable, eco-conscious consumption. My first post went up today, and it's entitled, How to Find "The Good Stuff": A guide to second-hand clothes shopping. I hope you'll wander over and check it out!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Good stuff Allison! We are looking forward to more of your posts!