04 April 2008

A rainbow of envelopes

A rainbow of envelopes
Originally uploaded by allisongryski

Enough with the boring shipping rates (though I'm hopeful that those tables will be both useful to me in the future and save someone else the trouble of digging through all the different pages and docs).... but on to the pretty paper stuff!

I'm planning a new order of cardstock, which means that it's time to choose some envelope colours. Seriously, picking out colours is by far the most fun part of ordering supplies. As a child, I used to love looking at all the pencil crayon colours in art stores. You know the kind where each one is sold separately and there are a bazillion shades of each colour. Fun.

Anyway, last time, in addition to some red, blue, bright pink, and lime green envelopes, I ordered the sample pack so that I could see all the colours in actuality. It's proved very useful as some colours are much prettier in real life (and some, well, beige is beige). It also means that I can hold them right up to the ink or photograph for the best match. I've narrowed it down by half, to 11 colours. Anyone who knows me wouldn't be surprised to hear that the 3 shades of orange were the easiest for me to edit out. (I like orange fine.... in sunsets and flowers and pumpkins. But not so much on anything man-made). Though, as I write this, I realise that the dark orange would probably look great if I make photo cards with some of my squash or poppy photos. hmmm.

You see my problem: as soon as I eliminate a colour, I think of where it would be perfect and my stack grows larger again.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fabulous little shop! I love your cards.