09 December 2010


Lovely Colours

Colour makes me absurdly happy. I love seeing colourful displays of art supplies. Picking out favourites and making arrangements of colours gives me a silly high. I guess it's being a visual person, but sometimes I think it's not normal how excited I get by stack of colourful yarn, fabric, or pencil crayons. (And then I read blogs by other yarn and fabric fanatics and know I'm not alone in my nuttiness).

Pots of Pencils

When I go into an art store, I love looking through the displays of pencil crayons. Pens and paints are also fun to choose, but it's the pencil crayons that always get me most giddy. At the yarn store I love seeing a wall full of luscious colours. Same thing at the fabric store. I'm especially keen on quilting stores where the goodies are arrayed by colour instead of type. Oh and buttons too, of course.

blue button square

Yup, organize a bunch of artsy crafty supplies by colour and I go a bit bananas. That visual stimulation is something I like in small doses in my home, so my current style favours a lot of plain white walls and furniture with my favourite colours introduced through textiles like quilts and cushions. Things I can have the fun of making!

Stacks of Fabric

I love arranging tidy stacks of fabric and pots of colour coordinated pencil crayons. But until recently, I never had too many colours of yarn before. My star garland project changed that and wow was it fun to sit by the shelf of yarn and pick out a rainbow of colours. It was hard to stop. It's been similarly hard to stop crocheting the stars as I keep getting to dip into my stash of yarn to pick out a new colour.

Rainbow Stars

Photographs and artwork by Allison Gryski. © All rights reserved.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful stars! You are very crafty.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Such cheerful colorful pictures. I think I sit here all day and look at them.

When I was very young I just loved getting the big box of 64 crayons.

Embroidery floss does the same thing.

Your stars are very pretty and colorful.